Change of Ending: 1984 In the book 1984 the character Winston metalworker is a low man on the totem pole case of guy that is living in a world that is monitored to the tee, center everything he does, everything he says, and everything he thinks is monitored by this group of spate called the Big buddys. Winston however is against this group of people in the book, and he hates everything they do and does not support them at all. The respected attraction Obrien in the book, ends up tricking Winston into a trap to get him to shine his thoughts of Big companion. Obrien than kidnaps/ arrest Winston and starts torturing him, until he tells him what he requires to hear. After Winston gets released back into the free world, begins to like Big fellow, the book ends with Winston loving Big Brother and the unit of measuring system. I think the last of the book is pretty good, and it goes suddenly with the whole book and what you are thinking.

However if I were to kind the ending of the book, I think I would make it to where Winston does chance upon over Big Brother only not alone that, but arrest him and Obrien fight each other or possibly have it were Winston holds Obrien captive like Obrien did to Winston and tortures him physically for revenge. because have Winston become the new leader of Big Brother. Because the demeanor I see it, is that Winston still exist, but his try for dies and fades from deep down him and evil has taken over. This should not scratch much on the plot, because the same stuff still happens just the ending and what happens to Obrien and Winston changes.If you want to get a full essay, swan it on our website:
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